TOP PRODUCT 2021 by Tow Professional Magazine

Huge GUNITHANKS to the team at @towpromag for naming the 45S a top product of 2021. 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Many tow services run into stolen or damaged wheel situations and GUNIWHEEL comes in handy to get vehicles safely off the road, on to a tow bed and easily unloaded at a shop without damaging the vehicle or tow truck. A win for everyone!
#guniwheel #guniwheel45S #guniwheel45 #guniwheel56 #guniwheel80 #universalwheel #shopwheels #rollers #getyourgunion
#towing #tow #towingandrecovery #towlife #towingbusiness #towingservice #towingcompany #towpro #towbusiness #towingpro #towlikeaboss

Sergio Rovito